
  • Tao Wang, Assistant Professor
  • Ph.D. Students:
  • Shengping Bi, Ph.D. Student. 2021 - Present. Previous: Master student at North Carolina State University
  • Hamidah Alanazi, Ph.D. Student. 2021 - Present. Previous: Undergraduate student at King Saud University, KSA
  • Arastoo Zibaeirad, Ph.D. Student, 2022 - Present. Previous: U.G. student at Iran University of Science and Technolog, Iran
  • Lang Zhou, Ph.D. Student. 2023 - Present. Previous: Undergraduate student at Northwest A&F University, China
  • Master's and Undergraduate Students:
  • Zheng Wu, M.S. Student. Previous: U.G. student at Purdue University
  • Ashish Kodam, M.S. Student. Previous: U.G. student at MLR Institute of Technology, India
  • Samatha Kodali, REU, U.G. Student at Washington University in St. Louis
  • Jael A. González De Arce, REU, U.G. Student at University of Puerto Rico
  • Prospective Students

    I am always looking for capable, dedicated, and self-motivated students to involve in my research. Multiple funded positions are available for Ph.D., master's, and undergraduate students. Please read the following directions before contacting me.

    Ph.D. Student Recruitment:
    Multiple PhD openings are available in my group. Student from CS/EE or related majors with one of the following expertises/interests are welcome to apply: (I) computer system/network security, (II) cyber-physical system or IoT design/analysis, (III) wireless communications or signal processing, (IV) machine learning. Please feel free to email me your CV and transcripts if you are interested.

    Prospective Master's and Undergraduate Students:
    For students at UNT, if you would like to do some researching reasoning and gain hands-on experience on cybersecurity, you can take my courses or carefully review my homepage to have a feeling about my current and future research topics. If you are still interested in working with me, you're welcome to contact me with your résumé and transcripts.
